Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ETC team qualification tournament

Hi I’m Pete.

I’m a hardcore tournament player in Finland.  I was challenged to take part in a ETC team qualification tournament that had all the Champions of Finland: 16 of the most ferocious mercenaries and warriors from all over this brute nation, bent on merciless destruction and conquest. 

I wanted to show something that no one has seen before. I am a sworn Chaos player. So I made my army of Iron Warriors and Imperial Guard traitors.  This is my list. The list was forged in blood and tempered in battle. But I sill did not have any test games with this list. So I went to the most difficult tournament in my life whit a list that I had not tested. 

Here it is:

PLAYER : Petri Immonen
PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Chaos Space Marines

HQ1 : Chaos Lord (65) veterans of the long war (5) mark of Khorne (10) 
Juggernaut of Khorne (35) axe of blind fury (35) sigil of corruption 25p melta bombs (5) (10) [180]

Troop1 : Chaos Space marines (75) 5 additional Chaos Space Marines (5*13) 1 flamer (5) 
1 meltagun (10) [155]
Troop2 : Chaos Space marines (75) 5 additional Chaos Space Marines (5*13) 1 flamer (5)  
1 meltagun (10) [155]

Fast1 : Chaos Spawn (30) 4 additional Chaos Spawn (120) [150]
Fast2 : Heldrake, baleflamer [170]
Fast3 : Heldrake, baleflamer [170]

HS1 : Havocs (75) 4 autocannons (4*10) [115]
HS2 : Havocs (75) 4 autocannons (4*10) [115]
HS3 : Havocs (75) 4 autocannons (4*10) [115]

Dedicated Transport:
Troop1 : Chaos Rhino (35) Dirge Caster (5) [40]
Troop2 : Chaos Rhino (35) Dirge Caster (5) [40]

HQ1: Company Command Squad (50) autocannon (10) officer of the fleet (30) [90] 

Troops1: Platoon Command Squad (30) ) autocannon (10) [40] 
Troops2: Guard Squad (50) autocannon (10) [60] 
Troops3: Guard Squad (50) autocannon (10) [60] 

Elite3: Guardsman Marbo [65] 

Fast1: Vendetta [130] 

TOTAL : [1850]

The only good thing in this tournament was that I can see the army list of all the other players. But then I had to plan my strategy against every one and this was difficult. 

Game one: Baptism of Fire

Mission: The Crusade - Vanguard Setrike
The Crusade with 4:llä objectivs and they are placed in the middle of every quarter. Secondary Objectives Slay The Warlord, First Blood and Line Breaker.
every Objective is 3 VP, Secondary 1 VP.

My opponent, who won the tournament:

Player: Manfred Manström


HQ1: Grand Master (175) Psychotroke Grenades (15) Blind Grenades (5) Warlord [195]
HQ2: Coteaz Divination [100]

Troop1: 2 Warrior Acolytes (8) 2 Flamers (20) 1 Banisher (15) [43]
Troop2: 2 Warrior Acolytes (8) 2 Flamers (20) 1 Banisher (15) [43]
Troop3: 3 Warrior Acolytes [12]
Troop4: 3 Warrior Acolytes [12]
Troop5: 3 Warrior Acolytes [12]
Troop6: 3 Warrior Acolytes [12]

Elite1: Paladin Squad (55) 9 Additional Paladins (495) 4 Psycannons (80) Brotherhood Banner (25) 3 Daemon Hammers (0) 5 Halberds (0) 1 Sword (0) [655]

Fast1: Stormraven Gunship (205) Twin-Linked Multi-Melta (0) Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (0) Hurricane Bolters (30) Psybolt Ammunition (20) Searchlight (1) [256]
Fast2: Stormraven Gunship (205) Twin-Linked Multi-Melta (0) Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (0) Hurricane Bolters (30) Psybolt Ammunition (20) [255]
Fast3: Stormraven Gunship (205) Twin-Linked Multi-Melta (0) Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (0) Hurricane Bolters (30) Psybolt Ammunition (20) [255]

Total: 1850

Manfred gave me the first turn. He placed his Paladin squad with Cotaz and the Grand Master behind impassable terrain, and one Warrior unit on another impassable terrain. 

 I deployed my army in a left hook formation. Left hook was IG unit Havoc and Command squad.  

Turn one. The main army stayed in the middle and was waiting for the Paladins and air craft. 
He came out and killed an IG unit from the middle and got first blood. But now I had him in the open. 

Turn two. I got two of my Air Craft on the table but I had no need for them, so I fly to reserve. I moved my Spawn Lord unit to fight the Paladins and gave fire support from all my units. Three paladins bite the dust and I charged in. I was no match for them, but I had to try.
His halberd killed all my spawns with force powers, and my lord was left alone. The Lord killed all the Halberdiers. Manfred made a mistake with his pile-in move, and his hammers cold not strike. So now I had another go at them. Two of his Stormravens came. and they killed one IG unit on the Left Hook. The Lord fought and killed two Paladins and died from the hammers. Manfred  got Slay the Warlord. 

Turn three. I got my Heldrake Air Craft number one does a Vector Strike and kills a Raven. Rhino Marines went to the Right side to take the objective.
Banisher raven was shot down with auto cannon fire. Some survivors on the ground. Heldrake number two tried to burn the warriors, but could kill only two. I fired some auto cannons at the Paladins and killed one. Paladins move to the center and shoot the rhino on the right. Marines come out. Raven shoots down Heldrake 2. 

Turn four. Marbo, Rhino and Vendetta are on the table. Marbo cant come near Coteaz… He’s expecting me. Marbo shot a warrior with his pistol. Warrior saved by cover. Vendetta fires at Raven number 3, takes two hull points and damage to engines. Raven flies out, Paladins Charge Marbo. Marbo died.

Turn five. Every thing is going to hell. Heldrake 2 burns a Warrior unit. Auto cannons shot warriors all around. Marines shot his Paladins with no effect. I Have one and he gets one. He gets Slay The Warlord, First Blood and Line Breaker. I lose 4/16

Game Two. Back in Black 

Mission: Purge The Alien-Dawn of War
Secondary Objectives Slay The Warlord, First Blood ja Line Breaker. 
Kill Point is 1 VP Secondary 1 VP.

Player: Jeppe Jönsson

Space Wolves

HQ1: Rune Priest [100pts]
Troop1: 10 Grey Hunters(150), 2 x Plasma gun(10), Wolf Standard(10). [170pts] in transport1
Troop1: 10 Grey Hunters(150), 2 x Plasma gun(10), Wolf Standard(10), power axe(15). [185pts] in transport2
Troop1: 10 Grey Hunters(150), 2 x Flamer(10), Wolf Standard(10), Power axe(15). [175pts] in transport3
Troop1: 10 Grey Hunters(150), 2 x Meltagun(10), Wolf Standard(10), Power axe(15). [180pts]
HS1: Vindicator(115), Siege shield(10). [125pts]
HS2: Vindicator(115), Siege shield(10). [125pts]
HS3: Land Raider Redeemer(240), Multi-melta(10), Extra armor(15). [265pts]

Dark Angels
HQ1: Belial(130), TH/SS(0). [130pts]
Troop1: Deathwing terminator squad(215)
Apothecary with TH/SS(30)
Standard bearer with TH/SS(25)
Terminator with TH/SS(0)
Sergeant with TH/SS (0)
Terminator with CML, TH/SS(20). [290pts]

Transport1: Rhino[35pts]
Transport2: Rhino[35pts]
Transport3: Rhino[35pts]

Total 1850pts

This game I had a good plan and some tricks planted. I need to kill the Vindicator and Landraider.

I made Jeppe  go first. Jeppe  deployed in Panzer battalion formation: Vindicators and Lanraider in the front and rhinos in the back. I deployed Havocks in the center and on the right, and an IG Blob on the left. Spawn Lord was behind impassable terrain.

First Turn. Jeppe  drives 12 inches and pops smoke on vindicators. Death wing comes in to the center.  
I moved spawn lords and rhinos closer to the impassable terrain. The Havocs shot his Vindicator did one point of hull damage.

Turn two. Vindicators move and shoot the havocs killing two and two. One fails a morale test and goes home. He gets First blood. Terminators try to get Havocs on the right. Landraider drops marines and Librarian in front of the Spawn lord's unit and shoots. One Spawn died, and the marines charge to the Spawn Lord unit. The unit was butchered, though some of them remained. And he made a big mistake. We call it the Kuha ansa, the Pike-Perch trap.  I got all my reserves. I vector strike one Vindicator, the other Vectors strike something, I don't remember what. Havoc on the right starts running from the terminators and pulls them far away from the action. My Rhino drives close to the Redeemer and shoots melta. Melta makes immobilised result on the Landraider. Havocs in the middle shoot the Rhino. Vendetta shoots the other Rhino. Marbo throws a demo charge on the Vindicator, the Rhino and the Marines all died! Heldrakes flame some marines. Spawn lord unit kills the marines and Librarian gets Slay the Warlord.

Turn three. Marines try to kill Marbo. Marbo goes to the ground and saves them all, and the marines fail to charge. The Terminators give up the chase for the Havocs and go to the middle. My Rhino was wrecked. The Marines dial out. I move to charge range with the spawn lord to fight the Terminators. My marines come out from Rhino 2 and rapid fire the Terminators killing one. The Havocs shoot the Terminators killing one. IG Blob Shoots some left over Marines. Helldrakes vector and burn. Vendetta shoots Landraider. Spawn lord unit charges, and wins the challenge. Spawns kill one Terminator. Spawn unit dies. 
Turn Four. Lord kills one Terminator and dies. Marbo tries to blow the landraider with a melta bomb. And fails. Shooting some marines. The Marines and Havoc shoot the Terminator. 

Turn Five. Marbo died. Marines assaulted him. I burn the marines and kill all but the Landraider. I win 15/5 

Game Three: The Flood

Mission: Big Guns Never Tire-Hammer and Anvil
BGNT 4 objectives 2 are in in the both are in the middle of the deployment zones two are on the middle 12” appart 12” from the edges
 Objectives on 3 VP. Heavy Support 1 VP.

PLAYER NAME: Alex Notepad
HQ1: Big Mek (35), kustom force field (50), warlord = [85pts]
ELITE1: 9 Lootas (9*15) = [135pts]
ELITE2: 9 Lootas (9*15) = [135pts]
ELITE3: 9 Lootas (9*15) = [135pts]
TROOPS1: 28 Ork Boyz (28*6), shootas (0), 2 big shootas (2*5) = [178pts]
TROOPS2: 28 Ork Boyz (28*6), shootas (0), 2 big shootas (2*5) = [178pts]
TROOPS3: 28 Ork Boyz (28*6), shootas (0), 2 big shootas (2*5) = [178pts]
TROOPS4: 28 Ork Boyz (28*6), shootas (0), big shoota (5) = [173pts]
TROOPS5: 10 gretchin (10*3), runtherd (10) = [40pts]
TROOPS6: 10 gretchin (10*3), runtherd (10) = [40pts]
HS1: 3 Big Gunz (3*20), lobbas (3*5), 3 ammorunts (3*3) = [84pts]
HS2: 3 Big Gunz (3*20), lobbas (3*5), 3 ammorunts (3*3) = [84pts]
SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Codex Eldar (desperate allies)
HQ1: Eldrad Ulthran (210) = [210pts]
TROOP1: 5 Eldar Rangers (5*19) = [95pts]
Aegis Defence Line (50), quad gun (50) = [100pts]
TOTAL = [1850pts]

He Starts. He deploys his Ork Lootas in the Aegis, and his Lobbas are in the middle behind the Aegis. I deploy Havocs on top of a building on my deployment. I also deploy an IG blob in the middle, as well as a Spawn Lord and Rhinos behind a building on the left planning a push. He redeploys some Lootas--that’s not fair so I steal the first turn. I started the push. Havocs shot the redeployed Lootas and they went to the ground. All Havocs shot his Lobba unit and did some damage. IG Shoots auto cannons at the Lobbas. He shoots two spawns with his Lobbas.

Turn two. I move Spawn Lord and Rhinos to charge range. The Heldrakes come and burn lots of Orks at the Aegis tried to intercept. IG starts the push in the middle and shoots some Orks. The Havocs give cover fire and shoot his Lootas. His Lootas burn and go to the ground. Marines come out from their Rhinos and start mowing down Orks. Spawn Lord charges some Orks. The Orks can't over watch because the Rhino's dirge caster is too close. 
The Spawns and Lord do crazy damage and kill the unit. The Orks shoot the Spawn Lord unit. The Orks charge the Spawn Lord unit and the marine unit. The Lord kills nine. The Spawns have died, and the Marines took heavy damage. 

Turn Three. The Heldrakes vector strike and burn the Orks. IG pushes to the middle and shoots Aegis quad gun. The gun is history. My Havocs shoot his Lobba unit. The Lobba unit flees. One Marine unit embarks on a Rhino. The Rhino drives back to the middle. The Lord dies fighting Marines. His Orks start pushing to the middle. Referee says next round is the last. 

Turn Four. I rush to objectives with Marines and IG rapid firing. Vendetta shoots the Lobba unit, and Marbo comes out form the Orks' Aegis and drops the load on the Lobba. The Orks Concentrate all fire on the Marines at the objective; they fail morale and the game ended. I say Orks stole the objective with time and knowing that there is no next round. But shit happens. I lose 7/13 

Next day fourth game:  Uniting the Old and the New.

Mission: The Scouring-Vanguard Strike
The Scouring 6: objectives normal role bock style 
Objectives 2 VP Fast Attack 1 VP. 

Olof is an ETC veteran. But his army is old school. Besides, I have everything!

Player: Olof Orm


HQ 1 : Rune Priest (100), Runic Weapon (0), Living Lightning (0), Jaws of the world wolf (0) [100 pts]
Elite 1 : 10 Wolf guard (10*18), 3 combimelta (3*5), 2 combiflamer (2*5) 4 Terminator armour(4*15), Ass.Cannon(30), Cyclone (30), Wolf Claw(5), P.Fist (10) [340pts]
- Terminator/Cyclone
- Terminator/Assault Cannon/Wolf Claw
- Terminator/Power fist
- Terminator
- 3*Combi melta/bolt pistol
- 2*Combi flamer/bolt pistol
- Bolt pistol/ccw
Elite 2: Dreadnought (105), Assault cannon (0), Twin autocannon (10) [115]
Elite 3: Dreadnought (105), Assault cannon (0), Twin autocannon (10) [115]
Troop 1 : 10 Grey hunters (10*15), flamer(0), meltagun (0), wolf standard (10), Mark of wulfen (15) [175]
Troop 2 : 10 Grey hunters (10*15), flamer(0), meltagun (0), wolf standard (10), Power axe (15) [175]
Troop 3 : 5 Grey hunters (5*15), Meltagun (5) [80]
Troop 4 : 5 Grey hunters (5*15), Meltagun (5) [80]
Troop 5 : 5 Grey hunters (5*15), Meltagun (5) [80]
Fast 1: Land Speeder (50), Multimelta (10), Heavy flamer(10) [70]
Fast 2: Land Speeder (50), Heavy bolter(0), Multimelta (20) [70]
HS1: 6 Long fangs (6*15), 3 missile launchers (3*10), 2 Heavy bolters (2*5) [130]
HS2: 5 Long fangs (5*15), 4 missile launchers (4*10) [115]
HS3: Predator (60), Autocannon (0), Heavy bolters (25) [85]
Transport1 : Razorback (40), Twin heavy bolter (0) (Troop 3) [40]
Transport2 : Razorback (40), Twin heavy bolter (0) (Troop 4) [40]
Transport3 : Razorback (40), Twin heavy bolter (0) (Troop 5) [40]

TOTAL [1850 pts]
Olof Starts. We have night fight. I got d3 infiltrate. He deploys every where. I deploy auto cannons in some ruins and to the right. IG blob is in a forest. Spawn Lord unit and Rhinos are in the ruin. I infiltrate one Havoc unit to the right flank behind some impassable terrain.

First turn. Olof starts pushing hard on the middle and Left. Not much damage, as the night gives cover and he used searchlight on all his Razorbacks and his Predator. I moved Rhino1 and the Spawn Lord unit to the right flank and Rhino 2 to the middle. I returned fire on the lighted units and kill Razor 1, Razor 2 takes 2 hull points and lost its weapon. Predator takes snap side shots from infiltrators and gets two hull damage points.

Turn two: Right flank gets attacked by Gray Hunters. Rhino 1 is immobilised and lost two hull points, so the marines stay inside. The Spawn Lord unit takes some shots. The  Marines in the middle take a ton of damage, there were only 4 left. The Gray hunters charge in the middle. On the left flank, the Spawns get shot and Rhino1 is wrecked. The Gray Hunters assault the wrecked Marines.

On the left flank, Infiltrator Havocs die from 6 bolter shots… Nice shooting Tex. 
I got Heldrake1 and Vendetta. Heldrake1 vectors the Dreadnought, no damage but manages to burn some Marines. The Vendetta shoots the Predator, and the Predator is dead. The Spawn unit goes around the immobilised Rhino and fails multi assault. The Marines from Rhino 2 come out and rapid fire Razor 1. Two Gray hunters die. The auto cannons shoot Razor 3, some Long Fangs and Dreadnoughts. Then Razor 3 is dead, and the Long Fangs lost all missiles. 

Turn Three. Dreadnoughts push in the middle. Wolf Guards and Marines push on the right flank. The IG Blob gets shot. Wolf Guards fail the assault.
I get Helldrake 2. Heldrake 1 and 2 vector strike some marines and burn them. Vendetta shoots the Marine leftovers on the right flank. The Spawn Lord gets to assault, and butchers the Terminator Wolf Guard, and then the Spawn gets killed. IG shoots the Wolf Guard unit and kills two of them. The IG Command squad shoots a Dreadnought and it blows. The Havocs shoot Wolf Guards.

Turn Four. Dreadnought pushes up the middle. Wolf Guards push on the right flank. Wolf Guards fail the assault. On the left, some Gray Hunters get butchered by the Lord and flee. Some Marines fight some Gray Hunters in combat, slow and steady. 
The Long Fangs shoot Heldrake 2 and hit it with a missile, Heldrake 2 crashes and burns. 

I get Marbo! Marbo throws the bomb and blows a land speeder and two marines. Heldrake 1 and the Vendetta go to hover mode. Heldrake 1 burns the Long Fangs and the Vendetta shoots Land Speeder 2. The IG rush to the middle, and auto cannons shoot the dreadnought with no effect. The Lord kills the fleeing unit.

Turn five. The Long Fang's Sergeant throws a grenade at the Vendetta and assaults. The Vendetta lost 2 hull points and one Las cannon. The Dreadnought assaults. The Vendetta shoots some Marines on an objective--now they don’t have it! Heldrake 1 zooms to an objective. The Lord assaults the Marines/Gray Hunter combat on the left flank, and kills all the Gray Hunters. Marbo shoots his pistol and assaults a Marine. I get 4 Objectives, War Lord, First blood and Line Breaker. I get 19/1 

Last game. The show 

Mission: The Emperor’s Will & Relic-Dawn of War
The Relic -marker Will -objective, Norma role book stuff. 
Secondary Slay the Warlord, First Blood and
Line Breaker. Objective 4 VP Secondary 1 VP.

Alfred von Stache. I have played with him a few times and I always lose. He is the IG specialist, but I'm the Demon Specialist. And he says that Marbo is shit!

Player: Alfred von Stache

Primary detachment: IG

HQ: Company command squad [50] 4x plasma gun [4x15] carapace armour [20] (130)
Troop1.1: Platoon command squad [30] 4x flamer [4x5] melta bomb [5] (55)
Troop1.2: Infantry squad (50)
Troop1.3: Infantry squad (50)
Troop1.4: Special weapon squad [35] 3x flamer [3x5] (50)
Troop2: Veteran squad [70] 3x flamer [3x5] (85)
FA1: Vendetta Kari [130] heavy bolter sponsons [10] (140)
FA2: Vendetta Jari [130] heavy bolter sponsons [10] (140)
FA3: Vendetta Lari [130] heavy bolter sponsons [10] (140)

Secondary detachment: Daemons

HQ: Kairos Fateweaver (333)
Elite: 9 Flamer [9x23] (207)
Troop1: 5 Plaguebearer [5x15] (75)
Troop2: 5 Plaguebearer [5x15] (75)
FA: 9 Screamer [9x25] (225)

Fortification: Bastion [75] coms relay [20] (95)

Total: 1850

I Start. I put my base on the right corner, where there is a big ruin, Rhino1 and 2 in the middle, and Havocs all around. The IG Blob is in the base. He puts down a bastion and some IG. But no one is on the ruff of the bastion… Interesting. 
First turn: So I rush to the middle to get the relic, and some Havocs and IG shoot his IG. One squad is almost dead. His daemons come. He gets the good part: Weaver and Screamers, but the Flamers mis-hap and go to reserve. The Screamers boost over to Weaver.

Turn two: Marbo comes! I put him on the bastion roof and throw the bomb. The bomb didn't do any damage to the Screamers. Alfred says, “That was your 65 points, biaaatch!” 

I pushed on to the Screamers with some Marines and a Spawn Lord unit and shot almost half of them. I failed the charge whit the Spawn Lord unit. 
Bastion command squad shoots Rhino 2, and now it's a wreck. His Screamers assault my Spawn Lord unit. The spawns kick ass. Alfred says, “This was not good.”
Weaver flies to the middle and starts to grill my Marines. Alfred's Vendettas come out to play.

Turn Three. I get Heldrake 1. Heldrake 1 vector strikes Weaver and makes a wound, as well as making it grounded. I shoot all auto cannons at the Weaver. It loses one wound. Some Marines charge Weaver to keep it down. Marbo is angry--he’s so angry that he melta bombs the bastion to a total collapse, killing him self and the Command squad inside! The Spawns and Lord kill the Screamers. He goes to hover mode with Vendetta 1 to shoot down my Heldrake 1. 
Flamers mis-hap and die… Plague Bearers deep strike on to my base.

Turn four. I get Heldrake 2 and a Vendetta. Heldrake 2 flies straight over to burn his base. My Vendetta shoots his Vendetta, doing two hull damage points. The Havocs shoot down the hovering Vendetta. Some IG fight the Plague Bearers. The Spawn Lord charges Weaver, and it dies. The Marines have the Relic. Some other Marines rush his base. 
Plague Bearers assault an IG Blob. The game is clear. 

Turn five: The Marines who got to the Relic go to the Rhino wreck and the Lord joins them. The Plague Bearers are dead, and I got his base. 20/0  for me. 

I was in third place, one point away from being second. If the Ork game would been five rounds, I would have had the points to go far. But this is this time. The new Chaos looks and feels nice. I love the Dirge Caster!   

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Make a Base

Hi, I’m Pete,
Today I want to share some tips and tricks on how to base your models.
Some of these techniques require heavy duty equipment, but every one knows some one who has some thing you can use. !!!WARNING!!!  if you’re a young person with no elbow grease you can get hurt but then you learn.

I hope this will give you some ideas on how to make your own basing style.

 This sand is special for being used by a water jet metal cutter; try to get the finest sand you can, for miniatures are small and this needs to look realistic.

First thing if your doing a desert theme or snow theme: you need to make the ground look like there was wind that blows and shapes dunes. For this, I use putty for walls that painters use.

Now I add some Styrofoam rocks and some "miniature" sand that you can get at any miniature store. This is the basic stuff.  
Base coat everything.

Add watered down PVA glue "normal wood glue", and also add your super fine sand.

Let the sand dry and shake the extra sand back to the sand box to save your sand.

Sand is dry and now lets start playing with Valeijo Pigments. For this desert theme I used two different colors
and spry varnish. First you add the pigment and then you go through the whole thing with a wet brush.   

This is my small trick that I use to make Styrofoam lock like real rock. I use a hot air blower. A normal hair dryer is good but its slower. I melt the Styrofoam just a little, and at the same time the watered pigments dry as well. But be careful, it might catch fire. 

 And this is the finished base. Looks good and you don't need to put a ton of stuff on the base.

Now this is the heavy duty stuff where you can get hurt!

 First you need to have some tools to make what ever you want. This is computer Chipboard from some old computers. Use a face mask and eye protection. And I mean this
Computer chip is made from copper and plastics, so the smoke is not good.

The chip bases are for an industrial theme, but can be used for TRON theme as well. It is easier to drill with a cup tip that has a small drill inside that makes the hole in the middle that you can full with Green Stuff or some bits from the bits box. The aluminium ones were made by having the aluminium sheath clamped hard, that way it wont start spinning with the drill and killing every one.  

 Here is some of the finished bases on my Fiends of Slanesh.

When you have the imagination you can make a base out of everything you like. And if the material is limited make one and make a mold out of Instant mold. I'm going to do a thing on how to mold weapons and models next time. Have a nice day!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Painting commission Stompa

I got a painting commission to paint a Stompa for an Ork players who has a theme in mind. 
The pictures have been taken by my I phone 4, as i didn`t have the Nikon d90 at the time.
Pictures are from start to finish. I hope you can enjoy.

Boltgun metal and Sepia wash.

 Base paint. African tribe style white mask.

 Race car stripes made whit tape.

 Rust effect made by Vallejo Pigments and spray varnish.

 Metal highlights made by led pencil.

 Logo was made when I was drunk and a shovel and ax.

 Weapon rust made like my rifle in the army.

 Hardcore Goblin ready to go.

 The I phone camera... Not enough focus. But look at that horn!

 The rust damn I'm good. :)

Do you feel lucky? Punk.

Chaos Rising

Hi I’m Pete.
I’m a hardcore tournament player in Finland.  When I was 10 years old and playing with the loyalist armies of Tau, Sisters of Battle, and Space Marines, I did not have friends to play. I started my  tournament career to satisfy my killing thirst. My first army was the Tau, then The Sisters of Battle, and then Space Marines. I met a friend that started corrupting me, and my Space Marines started to turn … When the corruption was final and there was no return, I made my first pure Chaos army: the World Eaters.

After playing against many Iron warriors at tournaments, it was my turn to shoot back! I started Iron Warriors in the year 2003, but my army was ruined after a few years by the new Codex. However, I made a deal with the dark gods. I will continue my army to the maximum. I have everything!

After I got all the options in the Chaos arsenal, I started waiting and was ready for the future.  I can play even if the new Codexes try to ruin the powers of Chaos. At some point, I got depressed because of the bluntness of the codex. The options that you had in the book were so dull that I wanted excitement. I started on a Cyber Iron Warriors themed Chaos demon army, and I had lots of good and fun games. But the army is difficult to play, and takes lots of time when testing a new unit for tournament gaming. Finally, after five or six years of suffering, the new Codex had arrived!

I have been trying to get in to the Finish ETC team, and I have been summoned for a secret tournament where all my skills will be tested. I was told to have my army list ready for the Champion of the tournament by 18.11.2011. I had tree weeks time to prepare. But I was tested by the dark gods. I had a lot of stress and I fell from the mental punishment. I was in a week long fever, and I felt like shit when I got angry. I had to start the testing. I had one week left and I was in bad shape. For three days I tried to think of a list that will bring Chaos back to its glory. I tested armies like a madman and I think I have done it. So here is the list:          

PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Chaos Space Marines

HQ1 : Chaos Lord (65) veterans of the long war (5) mark of Khorne (10) 
Juggernaut of Khorne (35) axe of blind fury (35) sigil of corruption 25p melta bombs (5) (10) [180]

Troop1 : Chaos Space marines (75) 5 additional Chaos Space Marines (5*13) 1 flamer (5) 
1 meltagun (10) [155]
Troop2 : Chaos Space marines (75) 5 additional Chaos Space Marines (5*13) 1 flamer (5)  
1 meltagun (10) [155]

Fast1 : Chaos Spawn (30) 4 additional Chaos Spawn (120) [150]
Fast2 : Heldrake, baleflamer [170]
Fast3 : Heldrake, baleflamer [170]

HS1 : Havocs (75) 4 autocannons (4*10) [115]
HS2 : Havocs (75) 4 autocannons (4*10) [115]
HS3 : Havocs (75) 4 autocannons (4*10) [115]

Dedicated Transport:
Troop1 : Chaos Rhino (35) Dirge Caster (5) [40]
Troop2 : Chaos Rhino (35) Dirge Caster (5) [40]

HQ1: Company Command Squad (50) autocannon (10) officer of the fleet (30) [90] 

Troops1: Platoon Command Squad (30) ) autocannon (10) [40] 
Troops2: Guard Squad (50) autocannon (10) [60] 
Troops3: Guard Squad (50) autocannon (10) [60] 

Elite3: Guardsman Marbo [65] 

Fast1: Vendetta [130] 

TOTAL : [1850]

The Beginning.

Hi I’m Pete and I had a dream of starting my own blog. First problem is I don’t know how to make my own blog. My girlfriend, Marianne, who is the photographer with a super camera helped me to start my own blog from the BlogSpot. I have been a huge fan of Warhammer 40k and I have a big army of Iron Warriors and Chaos cyber demons. I also have a  Battlefleet Gotic Iron Warriors
Fleet. I love my Iron Warriors, so at some point I’m going to post pictures of my armies here for all to see.

I also do painting jobs for people; they choose me because they like my specific style of painting. Ill have pictures of them too. I have been painting for 12 years, but I learned my style from the Imperial Armor model master class books. With it, I started to work more on  a realistic look for models. Light effects I learned by my self. I use all sort of paints which are available, as well as air brush techniques.

Pictures are from my iphone mostly but the painting jobs are taken with the Nikon D90 and different optics, so the pictures are high quality, as if you are seeing it in front of you in real life.

Tournaments are my thing and I try to go to as many as I can. Some people say I’m a good player.
I have good friends with nerves of steel that want to play with me. With my friendly games so many things would not have been possible to try. I’m not the normal calculating math hammer player. I play the Sun Tzu Art of War style. The game starts before you start putting down your models. It’s all in the feel and how the opponent reacts when you show your army list. If you get him confused and he doesn’t know how to deal with some problem you are the winner. I have played many games and some times lady luck is not on your side, even if you are a strategic genius.

Here is some pictures from my Iron Warriors diorama:

This Blog is going to be updated.